Blessed are the agnostics. Blessed are they who doubt. Those who aren’t sure, who can still be surprised. Blessed are they who are spiritually impoverished and therefore not so certain about everything that they no longer take in new information. Blessed are those who...
03151 – Theology and the Thief on the Cross
How does the thief on the cross fit into your theology? No baptism, no communion, no confirmation, no speaking in tongues, no mission trip, no volunteerism, and no church clothes. He couldn't even bend his knees to pray. He didn't say the sinner's prayer and among...
02156 – Confession Brings Life
Confession brings life. It restores our souls to a right relationship with God, frees us from the shackles of shame and guilt, and it brings us into communion with God the Father.
02083 – Jesus Rejected Hatred
Jesus rejected hatred because he saw that hatred meant death to the mind, death to the spirit, and death to communion with his Father. He affirmed life; and hatred was the great denial.
01762 – The Purpose of Spiritual Disciplines
The true purpose of all spiritual disciplines is to clear away whatever may block our awareness of that which is God in us... It will be in order to suggest certain simple aids to this end. One of these is the practice of silence, or quiet. As a child I was accustomed...
01215 – Worship, Inside God’s Own Heart
The feeling of communion was already so intense that I did not go forward for the bread and wine. I let the body go forward for me, while I sat there in God's pleasure. Before Christ Church, I thought that worship was something people cooked up by themselves. At...
01185 – What I Learn at the Eucharist
The experiment with faith is the work of a lifetime, a continual openness to change, a permanent quest. What I learned serving at the altar was not which Eucharistic theology was "right." What I learned, and must always be learning and relearning, is who Jesus is, and...
01163 – What is Your Worship Style Preference?
Is your preferred style of corporate worship quiet and contemplative? Loud and raucous? Centered on preaching? Centered on communion? Prayer focused? Service focused? Other? Wonderful. Don't let anyone shame you for how God made you to worship Jesus through the...
01107 – Experiencing Christ through Word and Sacrament
The disciples have now experienced Christ in word (interpreting the Scriptures) and sacrament (the breaking of bread). There is no doubt that Luke is writing not only the story of Jesus but also that of the church which knows him in these ways. The importance of...
00783 – Word of God: Central to Liturgy
The effectiveness of a liturgy lies in its humility, in the absence of self-proclamation—”I am the liturgy, notice me.” The Word of God is the gathering point for all the content and all the action. If there is a high point or seasonal emphasis in a liturgy, this is...