03539 – What is Not; What is

Resting is not a waste of time. It's an investment in well-being. Relaxing is not a sign of laziness. It's a source of energy. Breaks are not a distraction. They're a chance to refocus attention. Play is not a frivolous activity. It's a path to connection and...

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03193 – Building Bridges of Suffering & Joy

A few years ago, my son attended the funeral of a classmate whose life had been tragically cut short by an automobile accident. Though Stan did not know him very well as they were both relatively new to the school, he said the boy was “soft-spoken and very kind.”...

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02717 – Shalom

The Hebrew term for peace is shalom, which is related to the word shleimut, meaning full or whole. Shalom requires radical inclusion — we can’t be whole unless everybody is included — and harmony — it can’t be peaceful unless all the diverse peoples commit to getting...

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01983 – Seeing Things as Connected

This beautiful prayer [from John 17] for union is from Jesus’ Last Supper address to his disciples. It might be the highest level of mystical teaching in the entire New Testament. Here Jesus connects everything: he in his Father, the Father in you, you in God, God in...

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