04039 – Deterrent to Genuine Happiness

The greatest deterrent to genuine happiness - believing that if our circumstances were different, then we would be happy. Paradoxically, deep contentment finds us when we lay aside the pursuit of happiness for something more...loving God and others. May we be caught...

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02642 – Who is to Blame?

What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then? What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves...

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01856 – Now is the Time!

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough, and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will...

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00472 – Happiness in Spite of Circumstances

The happiness which brings enduring worth to life is not the superficial happiness that is dependent on circumstances. It is the happiness and contentment that fills the soul even in the midst of the most distressing of circumstances and the most bitter environment....

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00355 – Our Calling Won’t Bring Contentment

Beyond and through every earthly love and every earthly duty, we are to hear the call of God. On the one hand, we are called to the God who can put an end to our work and bring fulfillment to our loves and labors… But on the other hand, this call will often exact a...

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00306 – Laborers are Few

Next to the calling of the disciples, I expect that Matthew’s story about their sending forth is one of the most confrontational stories in all the Bible. Can you imagine? There you are, perfectly content to be a follower, when Jesus comes home all worn out one day...

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