03260 – Continuing Down this Path…

If we continue down this path of anthropomorphizing corporations and dehumanizing people, if we continue to look at the financial cost of helping people rather than the moral cost of not helping them, we will find ourselves living in a society increasingly devoid of...

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02251 – Continue

ContinueMy wish for youIs that you continueContinueTo be who and how you areTo astonish a mean worldWith your acts of kindnessContinueTo allow humor to lighten the burdenOf your tender heartContinueIn a society dark with crueltyTo let the people hear the grandeurOf...

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01570 – Never Stop Loving!

I look around and see so much fear, people getting more and more comfortable with their hate, more at ease being mean, more united in their division. And I think, NO. Not me. I will not get lost in this fearful world. I will not play with bullies. I will continue to...

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