If the Gospels were written now, we'd know more about the women in them, yet if in the kingdom of heaven the last are first, and if the kingdom is in part now, conversion involves readiness to hear more from and about women, and in the future surely almost all voices...
02029 – Authentic Conversion
Before conversion, we tend to think that God is out there. After transformation, God is not out there and we don’t look at reality. We look from reality. We’re in the middle of it now; we’re a part of it. This whole thing is...
01639 – Daily Being Sanctified
Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion--it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.
01200 – Conversion Keeps on Happening
The newly-converted Saul is welcomed, baptized, and shares in the table fellowship of the church. Paul says that he was given "the right hand of fellowship" (Gal. 2:9). The enemy is addressed as "Brother Saul." Conversion is not an individualistic attainment or...
01126 – All are Children of God
Mother Teresa spent forty years ministering to the poor and dying of Calcutta. Though she never directly challenged orthodox Catholic theology, her willingness to care for Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims brought her criticism, especially since she never insisted on...
01067 – The Gift of Pentecost
I owe everything to the gift of Pentecost. For fifty days the facts of the Gospel were complete, but no conversions were recorded. Pentecost registered three thousand souls. It is by fire that a holy passion is kindled in the soul whereby we live the life of God. The...
01062 – Sharing Life in Equal Measure
Female representations of the abundance of God in creating, redeeming, and calling the world to eschatological peace function with prophetic power, challenging everyone to conversion in a new community where Jesus reigns. As the history of religions makes clear,...
00403 – Jesus Walks Alongside Us
It’s not that if they accept Jesus into their life then “Bam! Life is great!” Accepting Jesus into their life does mean that Jesus is walking alongside them in their pain, frustration, and loneliness. And salvation is wrapped up in that.
00402 – Born-Again Means New Life
Being born-again is a new life, not of perfection but of striving, stretching, and searching—a life of intimacy with God through the Holy Spirit. There must first be an emptying and then refilling. To the extent that we want to know, understand and experience God, we...