04209 – Educating Oneself for Peace

Everyone talks about peace, but no one teaches peace. In this world you are educated for competition, and competition is the beginning of every war. When he will educate himself for cooperation and to offer each other solidarity, that day he will be educating himself...

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02910 – God Weeps

When God looks at our world, God weeps because the lust for power has entrapped and corrupted the human spirit. Instead of gratitude there is resentment; instead of praise there is criticism; instead of forgiveness there is revenge; instead of healing there is...

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02029 – Authentic Conversion

Before conversion, we tend to think that God is out there. After transformation, God is not out there and we don’t look at reality. We look from reality. We’re in the middle of it now; we’re a part of it. This whole thing is...

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00258 – Be the Presence of Christ

The Kingdom is served in greater ways when Christians and churches are collaborating and cooperating to proclaim the Gospel and minister to human need… The call and challenge for each individual, each church, and for all of us as a Fellowship, is to be the presence of...

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