I, too, am tired of the tame God and boxed-in-Christ, distorted by control-seeking humans who use religion to maintain the status quo. I'm yearning for a wild God that compels me to full participation in this miraculous dance of life, deepening the meaning in a core...
02864 – 12-Step Spirituality’s Transformative Power
Twelve-Step spirituality rediscovered the real transformative power that is the core of the Gospel. It is the spirituality of imperfection that Jesus taught, Paul clarified, Francis and Clare lived, and Thérèse of Lisieux brought to light for the modern world....
02409 – Processing Grief
Grief can only be processed by grieving, a painful exercise that is both cathartic and therapeutic. But grieving can also be deeply spiritual as it unveils the shallowness of religious cliches and reveals a deeper core faith that gives us permission to lament,...
01786 – In the Heart of Jesus
No worst thing ever done in the name of Christianity, no vilest corruption of the Church, can destroy the eternal fact that the core of it is in the heart of Jesus. Branches innumerable may have to be lopped off and cast into the fire, yet the word I AM THE VINE...
01627 – Joy for Each New Day
The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different...
01377 – Waiting Among the Cornstalks
One evening soon after, Sandy and I fell into a conversation about...the crow in the tree. Sandy said, "You know what came to mind when I saw that crow perched over us? I thought of the Native American proberb about the eagle and the crow in each of us. The eagle...
00336 – Encountering God in the Bible
I love the Bible. I have spent more than half of my life reading it, studying it, teaching and preaching it. While I do not find every word of it as inspiring (or inspired) as some of my fellow Christians do, I encounter God in it reliably enough to commit myself on a...
00225 – Hospitality is Key
What do we experience by eating together? We share the host’s hospitality. And hospitality is at the core of our spiritual life. Most of our day is spent experiencing how we are different from one another—our race, our economic status, our education, our language, our...