00741 – Worshiping Vicariously through Others?

A wise friend had told me that when his heart is unable to worship in a given moment or situation, for whatever reason, he looks around the congregation to find a person most engaged in worship and begins to pray, “Lord, let that person’s worship be mine.” At times...

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00415 – Christian Cotton Candy?

The lack of substance in most popular Christian books is producing anemic disciples… Millions of contemporary Christians read mainly cotton candy. It may be Christian cotton candy, but it’s still cotton candy. And even the substance that is offered generally lacks...

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00278 – Separating Spiritual from Physical?

In short, our congregations are marked by a warped spirituality. We have been formed spiritually in ways that bracket the realities of violence and poverty and oppression, ignoring them (at worst) or confining them (at best) to the margins of our attention. We have...

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