03526 – Loving Your Enemies

Loving your enemies has the deep spiritual benefit of enabling us to set our own course in life rather than constantly being in a posture of angry response to what other people do. There is freedom along this route, but it requires considerable internal strength and...

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02817 – Love is the Destination

Love is the destination, the telos, the goal–but we learn that we never arrive. We drive in the direction of love, but our destination keeps receding beyond the horizon. Yet we dare not set our course for any other destination. from Introducing Christian Ethics

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01882 – Under a Delusion

Under a Delusion If the world is sane, then Jesus is mad as a hatter and the Last Supper is the Mad Tea Party. The world says, "Mind your own business," and Jesus says, "There is no such thing as your own business." The world says, "Follow the wisest course and be a...

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