The novelist Pearl Buck argued that artists are people who tend to be extremely sensitive to any emotional input: "The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanely sensitive. To them, a touch is a blow, a sound is...
03255 – Faith was Intended to be…
Faith was never intended to be a destination, a status, a holding tank, or a warehouse. Instead, it was to be a road, a path, a way out of old and destructive patterns into new and creative ones. If a spiritual community only points back to where it has been, or if it...
02906 – Christianity: Grand Old Mansion
Christianity is like a grand old mansion with many, many rooms. Fundamentalist Protestantism is just one of those rooms, one of the least spacious, creative, and gracious. It can be abandoned for other rooms.
02777 – Life of a Creative
The life of a creative is a lonely one. You think you are alone as the years go by. Yet, if the stars are on your side, you may discover that you are at the center of a vast circle of invisible friends whom you will never get to know but whom love you. And that is an...
02654 – There is Something More
You may have been reminded of another popular book while reflecting on the vision of God's open-ended, creative, and lively adventure and on your own role as a partner with God in healing the world. Many persons have found a greater sense of meaning through reading...
02271 – Redemption of a Religion
By some amazing but vastly creative spiritual insight the slave undertook the redemption of a religion that the master had profaned in his midst.