Jesus fed 5000 but only 500 followed him after lunch. He had 12 disciples but only 3 went further in the Garden, and only 1 stood with him at the Cross. The closer you get to the Cross, the smaller the crowd gets.
01820 – Hope & Love are Everywhere in Our Lives
The signs are all around us. We can see them springing up like wildflowers after the prairie rain. People who had fallen asleep are waking up. People who had been content to watch are wanting to join. People who never said a word are speaking out. The tipping point of...
01626 – God’s Presence is Everywhere
We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito. from Letters to Malcolm-------------------------------------------Gender-neutral version: We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence...
01134 – Post-9/11: We Need God More than Ever
One other picture that will always be a part of my memory of that week is the way people all across the land crowded into their places of worship. ...My fear is that we are beginning to think and act like we are on our own again and we can do it alone. ...We need God...