I, too, am tired of the tame God and boxed-in-Christ, distorted by control-seeking humans who use religion to maintain the status quo. I'm yearning for a wild God that compels me to full participation in this miraculous dance of life, deepening the meaning in a core...
00968 – Seasons of Spiritual Life
The spiritual life has its seasons, one of which is winter. But beneath the appearance of lifelessness, God’s love continues to give life at deep levels.
00555 – Look for Solitude Now
Solitude is not something you must hope for in the future. Rather, it is a deepening of the present, and unless you look for it in the present you will never find it.
00270 – Opportunity for Love
This brief lifetime is my opportunity to receive love, deepen love, grow in love, and give love. When I die love continues to be active, and from full communion with God, I am present by love to those I leave behind. from Finding My Way Home
00135 – Learning & Deepening Faith
And I learn faith, I deepen my faith, not only by exercising it but by reading Scripture, and contemplating the mighty acts of God…by being near people of faith, for faith is beautifully contagious.