02638 – Caring for Others

We too have a priestly calling to the world. Like Christ, we are called to serve and to sacrifice, through a ministry of presence and through prayer. In every leadership situation, there is and ought to be a priestly dimension to our care for others…What burden has...

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01976 – Miracle is All Around Us

Faith does not spring out of nothing.It comes with the discoveryof the holy dimension of our existence.Suddenly we become aware that our lips touchthe veil that hangs before the Holy of Holies.Our faith is lit up for a timewith the light from behind the veil.Faith...

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00289 – Dying of Self and World

This internal dying or death has two closely related dimensions of meaning. On the one hand, it is a dying of the self as the center of its own concern. On the other hand, it is a dying to the world as the center of security and identity. These—the self and the...

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00028 – Worship: A Gift and An Experience

Worship is a gift, a gift from God that allows us to achieve our full potential as persons, and a gift to God that acknowledges God as Creator and Redeemer. Without gifts at its center, worship does not occur. God’s people gather for worship not so much to receive a...

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