Happiness often sneaks in a door that you did not think was open.
03871 – Evangelical Christianity: Hijacked!
Evangelical Christianity has been hijacked by people who would give Jesus himself the boot if he knocked on their door.
03799 – Pets Fulfill Us
The vital function that pets fulfill in this world hasn't fully been recognized. They keep millions of people sane. When you pet a dog or listen to a cat purring, thinking may subside for a moment and a space of stillness arises within you, a doorway into Being.
03237 – We Must All Find a Way to Grieve
How we learn to live with the death of a loved one differs with each one of us. We must all find a way to grieve. As the theologian, Tom Wright said, "Not to grieve, not to lament is to slam the door on the very same place in the innermost heart from which love itself...
02948 – Keep Moving!
Do not stop at the wall looming before you. Make a door. Make a door wide enough not only for you but for others. Keep moving. from Keep Moving
02540 – Don’t Park Your Brain at the Door!
Don't let anyone convince you to park your brain at the door... not at home, not at school, not at work, and certainly not at church. Using our intellect... including reason, wisdom, and discernment...is one of the ways we honor our Creator.