Christians. I’ve checked everywhere and I cannot find the following anywhere in the Bible: Cast out the poor from you for their woes are not your responsibility. Ship them someplace else if you need to or if all else fails wall them out. Nope. Choose first your people...
03744 – Strongman vs. Scapegoat
Beware systems and identities that need: 1. A Strongmanand2. A Scapegoat There will be no end of violence when these two exist. They legitimate and fuel each other. Jesus demonstrates how demonically futile the Strongman/Scapegoat mechanism is in his death and...
02690 – Personal Choice?
Imagine taking the few Bible verses on women being silent in church and human sexuality as literal divine commands from God for all society, but minimizing the +2,000 verses calling for a generous economy and redistribution of wealth for the sake of the poor to a...
01819 – Rest Time is not Waste Time
Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength... It is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.
01672 – Superficial Religious Identity
Not only Christians but all Americans subscribe to the notion that "all people are created equal." But how many feel the monstrosity of inequality? I'm thinking not only of racial inequality, but also of today's excess of wealth and poverty, the absence of affordable...
01236 – Dangers of Sociopolitical-Economic Power
Samuel understands well that people of faith cannot withdraw from public questions. He understands well that every decision about God brings along with it an implicit decision about sociopolitical-economic power. This narrative concerns the attractiveness and danger...
00876 – Music: Necessity, Not Luxury
We believe that in a world of political, economic, and personal disintegrations, music is not a luxury but a necessity…because it is the persistent focus of intelligence, aspiration and good will.
00224 – Hopelessness Happens among the Affluent, Too
Hope reminds us that the way things are…is precarious and in jeopardy. Hope reminds us not to absolutize the present, not to take it too seriously, not to treat it too honorably, because it will not last. Because hope has such a revolutionary function, it is more...