When one is driven to climb the ecclesiastical ladder it is easy to embrace a doctrinal position that removes half the competition — using the same Jesus-free method of selective extractions of scripture that justified slavery and other church-endorsed evils. Many...
04019 – “Grief”
I have decided that the only way to live is to embrace grief. For grief only exists where love lived first.
03824 – Choosing Gratitude
In my present season of grief and regret, I am finding that there is no way through apart from gratitude, and that, in fact, thankfulness is my greatest help. Not a plaster of it applied on the wound, not some anesthetic thanks to numb or replace the sadness, but...
03595 – Embracing Grief & Mourning
We don't need to be joined at the head with a person experiencing grief; we need to be joined at the heart. The transformation of our culture into one that embraces grief and mourning as natural and necessary parts of human life is my vision. from Companioning the...
03262 – Watch Out for…
Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger. Forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially, your heart.
02835 – Beauty is about Honesty
Beauty has ample room to embrace not only what is attractive but also things that are disturbing and difficult for us to confront. Beauty has this capacity because it is inseparable from truth and goodness. Indeed, beauty is the persuasive power of God’s truth and...
02717 – Shalom
The Hebrew term for peace is shalom, which is related to the word shleimut, meaning full or whole. Shalom requires radical inclusion — we can’t be whole unless everybody is included — and harmony — it can’t be peaceful unless all the diverse peoples commit to getting...
02703 – Relieving Human Suffering
I am convinced that Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and others can embrace each other in a common effort to relieve human suffering and to espouse peace.
02679 – Being Results in Doing
The more our being in God is embraced, the more our doing will reflect the image of God.
02666 – Embrace the Faith!
Embrace the faith that every challenge surmounted by your energy; every problem solved by your wisdom; every soul stirred by your passion; and every barrier to justice brought down by your determination will ennoble your life, inspire others, serve your country, and...