Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time;Enjoying one moment at a time;Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;Taking, as Jesus did,...
00928 – Church Music Selections Must Have Purpose
The primary functions of music in worship are to facilitate the dialogue and to contribute to that dialogue. Though aesthetic delight, personal enjoyment, and opportunity for a performer to share a talent may be by-products of the use of music in worship, none of...
00916 – Singing One Another’s Music
Maintaining unity among the diversity of the church’s membership requires that we defer to one another in love, being willing to sing one another’s music rather than insisting on the music we most enjoy. from Contemporary Worship Music: A Biblical Defense
00800 – Christ-Centered Worship
Worship celebrates God’s saving deed in Jesus Christ. This kind of worship is not a goal-driven worship, but a Christ-driven worship. And when Christ is the center of worship, all the goals of worship are achieved: Christ-centered worship educates, evangelizes, heals,...
00502 – Life is Found in the Present Moment
There are people who cannot enjoy simple pleasures, and that is why they seek drugs, alcohol, sexual misconduct, and many other things that destroy them, their bodies, their minds, and their families, and cause their children and grandchildren to suffer. If we educate...
00221 – Gifts and Challenges
Gratitude keeps us clear that not only do our gifts and our challenges come from God, but that our gifts and challenges are essentially one and the same… Without gratitude, our enjoyment of the world shrinks into cramped self-indulgence and the unscratchable itch of...
00210 – Limiting Change or Enjoyment
When we limit change or even enjoyment in our lives to the times when everything falls into place just as we want it’s a bit like refusing to drive unless every stoplight we come across is green.