With the words “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” the community recognized the bond that had been established between them and God as revealed in Jesus. God did not stay distant from them, remote and isolated; rather, in Jesus, God chose to live with humanity...
01003 – Could the Real Pageant be My Life?
Could the real pageant not be a play at all, but my lifeAs I take my gifts, my insecurities, my worriesTo the Christ Child, like the Magi took their gifts to the manger,And allow God to recreate within me a new life,A living pageant that does not end on Christmas Day,...
00807 – No Substitute for the Direct Worship of God
Since worship is focusing on and responding to God, regardless of what else we are doing we are not worshiping if we are not thinking about God. You may be listening to a sermon, but without thinking of how God’s truth applies to your life and affects your...
00731 – Wider and Transformed Worship
In all its elements,…Christian worship is the action of God, of Jesus, and of the community itself for the community, and therefore the upbuilding of the community. From this center, it can and should spread out into the wider circle of the everyday life of Christians...
00670 – Lent: Found in Ordinary, Everyday Life
Lent is the darkness I enter into so that I can walk into the Light of Easter morning. Lent is the willingness to let the old die so that I can experience again the reality of resurrection. All of this is played out in the everyday, ordinary stuff of my very everyday,...
00572 – The Rhythms of God
Waiting itself becomes prayer as we give our waiting to God. In waiting we begin to get in touch with the rhythms of life—stillness and action, listening and decision. They are the rhythms of God. It is in the everyday and the commonplace that we learn patience,...
00486 – The Kingdom of God
We can define the Kingdom of God as the redemptive presence of God. The redemptive presence of God can be found in everyday personal experiences. Whenever people love one another, bear one another’s burdens, work to build up a just and peaceful community—wherever...
00317 – Open to the Spirit
The invitation of Advent is the invitation—right now, this very moment—to open our ordinary lives, common experiences, and everyday relationships, as well as our deepest selves, to the Spirit of the living Christ. from Shimmers of Light
00150 – Advent Anticipation
There is more to life than we previously imagined. Angels hide in every nook and cranny, magi masquerade as everyday people, and shepherds wear the garments of day laborers. The whole earth is brimming with glory for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. from The...