If religious patriarchy was true, the angel of the Lord would have spoken first to Manoah about the miraculous conception of Samson. Instead, he spoke to Manoah’s wife—a woman—alone (Judges 13:2-24). If religious patriarchy was true, the angel Gabriel would have...
03524 – Not a Divine Idea
My idea of God is not a divine idea. It has to be shattered time after time. He shatters it Himself. He is the great iconoclast. Could we not almost say that this shattering is one of the marks of His presence? The Incarnation is the supreme example; it leaves all...
03455 – Advocate for Non-Violence
Because of the teaching and example of Jesus, American Christians should be strong advocates for the fullest possible use of every nonviolent tool available to those we entrust with government and security leadership. from A Letter to My Anxious Christian Friends
03296 – Who is the Christian?
A surprisingly large number of Christians in the US will refuse to call you Christian if you actually follow the teachings and example of Jesus.
03086 – The Standard of “Biblical Manhood”
The church tends to hold up a standard of “biblical manhood” that simultaneously emasculates men (you are helpless to control your sexual urges) and beastifies them (you must RULE your marriage and family and keep them under control). Neither approach reflects...
02899 – The Comfort of the Crucified
All sufferers can find comfort in the solidarity of the Crucified; but only those who struggle against evil by following the example of the Crucified will discover him at their side. To claim the comfort of the Crucified while rejecting his way is to advocate not only...
02129 – Jesus Sent Stumblers & Sinners
Never once did Jesus scan the room for the best example of holy living and send that person out to tell others about him. He always sent stumblers and sinners. I find that comforting. from Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People
02104 – Disney Princess Theology
White Christianity suffers from a bad case of Disney Princess Theology. As each individual reads Scripture they see themselves as the princess in every story. They are Esther, never Xerxes or Haman. They are Peter, never Judas. They are the woman anointing Jesus,...
01984 – The Good Samaritan: A Different Perspective
The Good Samaritan story is not just a good example of compassionate spirituality. It is a critique against religious passivity. If "church people" won't work for justice and mercy, God will find some other people who will.
01847 – “Jane Eyre” Dialogue
“It is not violence that best overcomes hate — nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury." "What then?" "Read the New Testament, and observe what Christ says, and how He acts; make His word your rule, and His conduct your example." "What does He say?" "Love your...