04051 – Choral Singing = Unique Experience

Singing in a choir is an absolutely unique experience. It is one of the most important things in the world. Where else do you have everyone doing the same thing at the same time without the use of special equipment and for a greater purpose, and no one is sitting on...

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03820 – Grief and Love

That grief that lingers in your heart, or for some is intense and ever present...it's there because you loved, gave and received love, else grief would not exist. So, in your sorrow, may you experience the sweetness of knowing you loved deeply, now a gift that cannot...

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03535 – Where You Begin

The first step for church leaders (one meant to represent God) to regain trust by those damaged by the church is not to ask for itbut to genuinely ask them questions about their experience. “I want to know what this has done to you, how it affects you . . .” is where...

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03483 – Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxy

Religion without the Spirit, without authentic spirituality, basically becomes a way to give divine sanction/endorsement/legitimization to our biases and prejudices and it becomes a way to maintain the status quo. It also becomes a means of exerting control over...

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03441 – The Infinity of Life

The realm of God is within us and among us and around us...All the wonders you seek, and the inspiration you crave, are right where you are, within your own personal experience. Thin places, holy isles, burning bushes, angelic songs, and magi bearing gifts are...

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