02395 – New Paradigm of Imagery for God

The God imaged by Jesus exerts no dominating supremacy. In Christ, we see an image of a God who is not armed with lightning bolts but with basin and towel, who spewed not threats but good news for all, who rode not a warhorse but a donkey, weeping in compassion for...

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02175 – Exaltation vs. Exploitation of Jesus

Recognize the difference between the exaltation of Jesus and the exploitation of Jesus. You can stick the name of Jesus on anything. On any church, on any speech, on any campaign, on any ministry, business, banner, t-shirt, or car bumper and shamelessly exalt the...

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01376 – Both Victim and Victimizer

The attempt to divide the world into tidy categories of oppressor and oppressed or victimizer and victim oversimplifies the more complex realities of histories and habits of sin and evil. While it is undeniably true that many people have suffered--and continue to...

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