03338 – Obstacles in Your Way?

Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. It's true for individuals, families, teams, businesses, and churches.

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03001 – Much in the Window; Nothing in the Room

We have bigger houses, but smaller families;More conveniences, but less time;We have more degrees, but less sense;More knowledge, but less judgment;More experts, but more problems;More medicines, but less healthiness;We've been all the way to the moon and back,but...

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02024 – Imagine!

Imagine our homes and families when love is the way.Imagine neighborhoods and communities when love is the way.Imagine our governments and nations when love is the way.Imagine business and commerce when love is the way.Imagine this tired, old world when love is the way.

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00527 – Spiritual Conversation with God

Is my understanding of prayer similar to the “spiritual warfare” practiced by some evangelicals and charismatics? Yes, to the extent that I agree that prayer should be imperative and aggressive. We should be engaged to alter the spirituality of families, corporations,...

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00456 – Forgiveness: Divine Healing

In the end, forgiveness is a form of divine healing. As we embrace divine forgiveness in our lives, our memories and our actions—our lives—are transformed and made whole. To forgive is not only to affirm our value as God’s beloved children but also to recognize that...

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00333 – Mary Said Yes!

There is also a legend that Mary was not the first young woman to whom the angel came. But she was the first one to say yes. And how unsurprising it would be for a fourteen-year-old girl to refuse the angel. To be disbelieving. Or to say: “Are you sure you mean—but...

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00275 – Shalom!

The Hebrew term “shalom” is roughly translated in English as “peace.” But it can also mean salvation and liberation, safety and security, wholeness and completeness. Shalom happens when every relationship within the created order is set right, whether the scale be...

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00231 – Call to Justice

When medical bills are the biggest cause of bankruptcy in the United States, there are systemic injustices at work. When people working 40-hour weeks at minimum wage jobs still can’t earn enough to support their families, there are systemic injustices at work. When...

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