03527 – Dancing around the Flame

And it's true... In other words...we don't have a second--not even a second--to waste on petty drama, on living fake, shallow lives, on swallowing our truth, or on hiding our light. We only dance around the flame of this gorgeous human existence for moments and the...

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02446 – Courage to Face the Flames

Family dysfunction rolls down from generation to generation, like a fire in the woods, taking down everything in its path until one person in one generation has the courage to turn and face the flames. That person brings peace to their ancestors and spares the...

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01999 – Onward in My Journey

I gaze into the doorway of temptation's angry flameAnd every time I pass that way I always hear my nameThen onward in my journey I come to understandThat every hair is numbered like every grain of sand.

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01799 – What God Might Do

A man was shipwrecked on an island where no one else lived. He laboriously gathered some material from the island and built himself a crude house. One day he was away from the house when he saw smoke rising from that direction. He rounded a bend and, to his horror,...

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01243 – Surrendering to Life Just As It Is

How do we come to realize love? By surrendering to life just as it is. Gradually our eyes open. I think of a good friend who buried her young son. Years later someone asked her if she felt that he had been cheated by life because his years were few. Her response was...

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00066 – Really Seeing

Earth’s crammed with heaven,And every common bush afire with God;But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,The rest sit round it, and pluck blackberries,And daub their natural faces unawareMore and more, from the first similitude. from “Aurora Leigh”...

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