Forgive, forget. Bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.
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02037 – Evil in the Name of Good
Throughout our nervous history, we have constructed pyramidic towers of evil, ofttimes in the name of good. Our greed, fear and lasciviousness have enabled us to murder our poets, who are ourselves, to castigate our priests, who are ourselves. The lists of our...
00454 – We Forgive Human Beings
We do not forgive hurricanes and floods; we forgive human beings who could and should have acted differently. We hold them responsible, and we hold them under the judgment of memory, especially so long as the perpetrators do not repent their actions. Even after they...
00295 – Seeing and Knowing God
If the soul is to know God, it must also forget itself and lose itself. For as long as it sees itself, it will not see and know God.
00098 – We Have Forgotten?
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other.