I give myself completely to you, God.Assign me to my place in your creation.Let me suffer for you.Give me the work you would have me do.Give me many tasksOr have me step aside while you call others.Put me forward or humble me.Give me riches or let me live in poverty.I...
01594 – Life: Backward & Forward
Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward.
00824 – Closed Doors/New Doors
Don't stress about the closed doors behind you. New doors are opening every moment and you will see them if you keep moving forward.
00263 – Relationship in the Present
The only real security in a relationship lies neither in looking back in nostalgia, nor forward in dread or anticipation, but living in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now.
00213 – Letting Go of Pain
Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.
00138 – Looking Backward, then Forward
Somewhere near the intersection of Grief and Gratitude is a scenic overlook where you can glance back over the terrain you have already traveled, then catch a glimpse of the journey still to come and look forward to the trip.
00086 – Feeling Hopeless?
When hope feels as though it has passed you by, remember that something new may be dawning that you have not considered yet. An open and vulnerable heart is the way forward.