01669 – Responding to the Divine Presence

This is another trait common to God-bearers or Jesus-types--it isn't that God has preordained them to serve a special function. They have simply developed their ability and willingness to respond to the Divine Presence to a degree that enables them to be particularly...

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01272 – Belong without Belonging?

Some people want to belong without belonging. They are the ones whose obituaries read, "Dorothy was a lifelong member of St. John's Church"--except that no one at St. John's can ever remember meeting her, although ninety-three-year-old Mrs. Smith thinks that maybe...

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00995 – It’s Just Not Prayer

Often in discussions of prayer we confuse it with other valid aspects of any life in which prayer is functioning as it ought. And that is not helpful. In fact, it can result in prayer’s being replaced and omitted. We may confuse prayer with special states or...

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00926 – The Church Musician & Stewardship

If we faithfully followed God’s example, there would no longer be the crassness and cynicism of the throwaway or the false pomp and pretense of art for the ages. Nor would the Holy Spirit be continually pestered to turn poor work into blessed work. The Christian...

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00899 – The Mission of Church Music

The ideal of church music is found in its function. This function is religious: to bring to stronger and clearer consciousness and to greater vitality our inherent religious nature. At the heart of church music must be the consciousness of this religious nature: the...

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00895 – The Highest Function of Music-Making

Great truths of physical energy plus imaginative vision plus human consolation are experienced through great music. Here is the highest function of music-making. In the words of…Abraham Joshua Heschel: “Listening to great music is a shattering experience, throwing the...

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00882 – Choir Helps Congregation Sing Better

A corollary to the fact that the congregation is the primary musical group in the church, is that the primary function of the choir is to help the congregation sing better. The choir is not to be a performing group where the musical elite of the church prepare and...

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