02314 – Prayer

Let the rain come and wash awaythe ancient grudges, the bitter hatredsheld, and nurtured over generations.Let the rain wash away the memoryof the hurt, the neglect.Then let the sun come out andfill the sky with rainbows.Let the warmth of the sun heal uswherever we are...

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02308 – Belonging

May we as kin-dom builders strive to create and embody spaces for our young ones to feel that the faith community is exactly where they belong. As we do this, may we also strive to create a community where everyone—regardless of their age, language, culture,...

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01525 – Where I Cry Foul

This is where I cry foul and not for my own sake … (but) for sake of my gender, for the sake of our sisters in Christ and for the sake of other female leaders who will be faced with similar challenges. I do so for the sake of my brothers because Christlikeness is at...

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01145 – Love is about True Justice

To truly love is to work for a just equity of power between nations, races, and genders, and in our day-to-day relationships and transactions. It is to oppose all patterns of power over another. This is why [Simone] Weil appeals again and again to the ancient symbol...

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00889 – Musical Tastes & Diversity

The New Testament churches were made up of people of different ages, genders, races and socio-economic levels, who came together because of their common belief in Jesus. Christ gave them their identity and, consequently, their unity. In an era of marketing...

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