If America’s original sin is slavery, the original sin of the church is anti-Judaism and antisemitism. Before the New Testament was fully written. we see evidence of it... If you look at the passion accounts in the four Gospels in chronological order, you see Rome...
01270 – Did God Suffer?
Years earlier I had read some writings of Jurgen Moltmann, a German theologian who argued that God "experiences" our sufferings and grieves with us. Our soul is so connected with God, he said, that it's impossible for the Divine Being not to share our aguish. Now...
01144 – Modern Worldwide Race Relations have Biblical Roots
The preoccupation with protecting boundaries between the chosen and the despised people is not limited to the Samaritan/Jewish conflict of the first century. Throughout human history, people and nations have defined themselves over against other groups. The history of...
00906 – The Power of Music & Dance
They were all sitting half dead in their wheelchairs, mostly paralyzed and just existing, they didn’t live. They watched some television, but if you had asked them what they had watched, they probably would not have been able to tell you. We brought in a young woman...
00883 – It’s Not Practice; It’s Contemplation
The father of cellist Yo-Yo Ma spent World War II in Paris, where he lived alone in a garret throughout the German occupation. In order to restore sanity to his world, he would memorize violin pieces by Bach during the day and then at night, during blackout, he would...