02817 – Love is the Destination

Love is the destination, the telos, the goal–but we learn that we never arrive. We drive in the direction of love, but our destination keeps receding beyond the horizon. Yet we dare not set our course for any other destination. from Introducing Christian Ethics

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02691 – We Don’t Want to See Suffering

Salvation in Jesus’ name is treated as a cure all. Supposedly, there is no suffering once we join the church, and if there is any cause for discomfort, then we vote the pastor out at the next business meeting. Ironically, we worship Jesus, who showed his wounds, but...

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01943 – What is Biblical Mysticism?

Biblical mysticism is the attempt to exit "this world" to an alternative reality that pervades the old order. Its goal is to jettison the mind-set that says "greed is good," "selfishness is normal," and "killing is necessary." Mysticism in biblical terms is not...

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01921 – Love is the Destination

Love is the destination, the telos, the goal—but we learn that we never arrive. We drive in the direction of love, but our destination keeps receding beyond the horizon. Yet we dare not set our course for any other destination. from Introducing Christian Ethics

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