God always answers prayers. Sometimes it's 'yes.' Sometimes the answer is "no." Sometimes it's "you gotta be kidding."
04269 – What If…?
A Baptist preacher told this story to his congregation one Sunday: When God walked into heaven and found everyone there, he decided it was too crowded. He owed it to justice, did he not, to reward those who were faithful? So, he had one of his angels read the ten...
04258 – Where God Is
God is with the vulnerable and the poor. God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. God is in the cries heard under the rubble of war. God is in the debris of wasted opportunities and lives. God is with us, if we are with them.
04251 – Called to Minister?
My answer to a friend: There is no success in ministry, only service and moments of celebration. If you choose to minister, expect to be misunderstood. All of the pain people carry will fall upon your brow, and you shall be the stand-in for every ignorant statement...
04244 – God is Not…
God is not a racial, national, or denominational deity. ...So there is no racial discrimination in God's family.
04240 – God, Not Politics
The Church is not to be found at the "center" of a left/right political world. The Church is to be a species of its own kind, confounding left, right, and center, and finding its identity from the "center" of God's life in Christ.
04238 – In Culture War Mode?
When you live in Culture War Mode there is always a battle to fight, a side to take, and people to fear. When you live in God's Kingdom there's always a stranger to welcome, a neighbor to befriend, and an enemy to love. --from Love Over Fear
04233 – A Sad Mistake
What a sad mistake we sometimes make when we think that God only cares about Christians.
04230 – Drawing Boundaries
Jesus doesn't save us from a monstrous God who damns people to hell for coloring outside the lines. Jesus saves us from being monsters who draw normative lines that make life hell for others. The lines that matter are the boundaries required by human dignity. Those...
04221 – Journey vs. Arrival
God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.--------------------------------------------------------Gender-neutral version: God never said that the journey would be easy, but God did say that the arrival would be...