01752 – Church as Service Provider?

Consumerism turned the Church into a service provider: "I want good preaching" "I want amazing worship" "I want great kids' programs" Would we go to Church if it was just a bunch of ragamuffin Jesus-followers gathering around a table, trying to love God and love...

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01437 – Christianity is a Lifestyle

It seems to me that it is a minority that ever gets the true and full Gospel. We just keep worshiping Jesus and arguing over the exact right way to do it. The amazing thing is that Jesus never once says, "worship me!", but he often says, "follow me" (Matt.4:19)....

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00551 – Greatness Achieved in Service

Granted, a nation must have greatness of spirit and pioneers who will lead it toward new goals. Just as much, if not more so, however, a nation needs men and women of lifelong performance of duty, of clearheaded loyalty, of discipline of heart and body. A nation needs...

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00359 – A Church Exists for Service

A church must not overlook the fact that it exists for unselfish, active service to society, to individuals and groups and even to its opponents. If it does so, it loses its dignity, its claim and the reason for its existence, since it abandons discipleship. But if a...

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00326 – Christ in Our Neighbor

There are some of us…who think to ourselves, “If I had only been there! How quick I would have been to help the Baby. I would have washed his linen. How happy I would have been to go with the shepherds to see the Lord lying in the manger!” Yes, we would. We say that...

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