I've never heard anyone complain that Christians act too much like Jesus. Even the hardest, angriest, most anti-God atheist will complain that the problem with Christians is that we don't act enough like Jesus.
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03216 – Victory Over Self
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.---------------------------------------------------Gender-neutral version: I count one braver who overcomes one's desires than one who conquers one's...
03089 – Saddest and Hardest
The saddest thing in life and the hardest to live through is the knowledge that there is someone you love very much whom you cannot save from suffering.
01661 – Experience: Hardest Kind of Teacher
Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterward.
01462 – Not “Fixing Things” is Hard
One of the hardest things we must do sometimes is to be present to another person's pain without trying to 'fix' it, to simply stand respectfully at the edge of that person's mystery and misery.