It is easy to love people in memory; the hard thing is to love them when they are there in front of you.
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02100 – Life: Beautiful & Hard
I can't reconcile the way that the world is jolted by events that are wonderful and terrible, the gorgeous and the tragic. Except that I am beginning to believe that these opposites do not cancel each other out. I see a middle-aged woman in the waiting room of the...
01958 – Spectators, Not Victims?
It is hard not to conclude that the main reason [Western] theologians have said little that can be used in the struggle of the oppressed is due to the fact that they have been only spectators and not victims of suffering.
01915 – Worth the Trying
Honesty is often very hard. The truth is often painful. But the freedom it can be is worth the trying.
01894 – Life is Hard
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard.