03863 – Acknowledging Unseen Goodness

Let us pause to acknowledge the unseen goodness around us. We may not see it, but it is always here ā€“ a small universe of kindness and compassion ā€“ lived out around us every day, unseen but constant. People helping, people caring, people listening. The creators of...

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03260 – Continuing Down this Path…

If we continue down this path of anthropomorphizing corporations and dehumanizing people, if we continue to look at the financial cost of helping people rather than the moral cost of not helping them, we will find ourselves living in a society increasingly devoid of...

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02322 – Christian Mission

My mission as a Christian is not "to convert the heathen" as we once asserted; it is rather to assist in the task of helping all people "to live fully, to love wastefully, and to be all that they are capable of being."

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02082 – Telling the Truth about Racism

There's something unholy, unrighteous that happens when you combine this concept of whiteness and white supremacy with Christianity... In the Bible it says any addition to the Gospels negates the Gospels--it's no longer the Gospel. When you add this gospel of...

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01354 – Being There for Others

The church is church only when it is there for others...not dominating, but helping and serving. It must tell people in every calling what a life with Christ is, what it means "to be there for others." from Letters and Papers from Prison

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