A poem cannot stop a bullet. A novel can't defuse a bomb... But we are not helpless... We can sing the truth and name the liars.
03086 – The Standard of “Biblical Manhood”
The church tends to hold up a standard of “biblical manhood” that simultaneously emasculates men (you are helpless to control your sexual urges) and beastifies them (you must RULE your marriage and family and keep them under control). Neither approach reflects...
02624 – Grace
...and I can remember...that grace, which is love and help for the helpless, always, always bats last.
02277 – In the darkness…Do We Walk by Faith?
…when the time comes to enter the darkness in which we are naked and helpless and alone; in which we see the insufficiency of our greatest strength and the hollowness of our strongest virtue; in which we have nothing to rely on, and nothing in our nature to support...
02272 – Image of God: Santa?
Sadly, most people’s image of God is jolly Santa, making a list and checking it twice, finding out who’s naughty or nice. It’s certainly not this humble, helpless baby who has come to love us in ways that we’re not ready to be loved.