When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.’
04122 – What is Hope?
Hope is not optimism, which expects things to turn out well, but something rooted in the conviction that there is good worth working for.
03824 – Choosing Gratitude
In my present season of grief and regret, I am finding that there is no way through apart from gratitude, and that, in fact, thankfulness is my greatest help. Not a plaster of it applied on the wound, not some anesthetic thanks to numb or replace the sadness, but...
03737 – Being Stronger
I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.
03735 – I Go in Pilgrimage
I go in pilgrimageAcross an old fenced boundaryTo wildness without ageWhere, in their long dominion,The trees have been left free.They call the soil here “Eden”; slants and steepsHard to stand straight uponEven without a burden.No more a perfect garden,There’s an...
03602 – Hope for Life after Death
The hope for life after death must be separated forever from the behavior control mentality of reward and punishment. The Church must abandon, therefore, its reliance on guilt as a motivator of behavior.
03564 – Love Arrives Full of Hope
Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
03439 – Keeping Hope Alive
What keeps the wild hope of Christmas alive every year...is the haunting dream that the child who was born that day may yet be born again even in us and our own snowbound, snowblind longing for him.
03399 – Hope & Love
Hope, in a Christian sense, is love stretching itself into the future. from A Public Faith: How Followers Of Christ Should Serve The Common Good
03229 – The Heart Cannot Pray by Itself
But it is a dangerous error, surely very widespread among Christians, to think that the heart can pray by itself. For then we confuse wishes, hopes, sighs, laments, rejoicing--all of which the heart can do by itself--with prayer. And we confuse heaven and earth, human...