02443 – And the Rest is History

And yes, I still am terrified every day. Yet fear can be love trying its best in the dark. So do not fear your fear. Own it. Free it. This isn't a liberation that I or anyone can give you--it's a power you must look for, learn, love, lead and locate for yourself. Why?...

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02034 – The Beautiful Way of Jesus

Our faith was never about aligning with Caesar's earthly power to get what we want. From the beginning, this Way of Jesus was counter-cultural, presenting a radically different way to be in this world based on spiritual power. The way of Caesar is no substitute for...

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01578 – The Struggle is Real

Who can stay awake in this night of God? Who will not be as if paralyzed by it? Jesus' friends were protected from its terrors by a profound sleep. Luke, the doctor, and other witnesses speak of a "bloody sweat" which fell on the ground from the wakeful, imploring...

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01504 – Going Where Questions Lead

They said that if I questioned a 6,000-year-old earth, I would question whether other parts of Scripture should be read scientifically and historically. They were right. I did. They said that if I entertained the hope that those without access to the gospel might...

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