Who God is and how big God is does not change with our acknowledgment or ignorance of God. What changes is the size of our life and our environment and our hope. Take God for granted and your world shrinks. Get a glimpse of who God is and your universe expands....
00086 – Feeling Hopeless?
When hope feels as though it has passed you by, remember that something new may be dawning that you have not considered yet. An open and vulnerable heart is the way forward.
00076 – A Community Called Beloved
I am convinced that a community-called-beloved is possible. This is an admittedly fragile possibility, but it is not a utopian dream. I believe that people of good will harbor a persistent hope that our planet can be a place of belonging for all its inhabitants. To...
00061 – God Gives Hope All the Time
Hope makes you see God’s guiding hand not only in the gentle and pleasant moments but also in the shadows of disappointment and darkness.
00058 – Broken vs. Broken-Open
You can be broken, or you can be broken-open! People who are broken turn angry and bitter. People who are broken-open are weavers of hope and love and life.
00052 – Friendship Does Not include Domination
Friendship is the reasonable passion for truly human fellowship; it is a mutual affection cemented by loyalty. The more people begin to live with one another as friends, the more privileges and claims to domination become superfluous. The more people trust one...
00051 – Faith, Hope, Love, and Forgiveness
Nothing worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith. Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be...
00050 – God is Eminently Reliable
The basic premise of biblical trust is the conviction that God wants us to grow, to unfold, and to experience fullness of life. However, this kind of trust is acquired only gradually and most often through a series of crises and trials. Through the indescribable...
00030 – Christmas Gift of Grace
Each year, as winter takes hold and covers our days with its silent wonder, we are called to reflection. As the shadows grow longer and the nights deepen, we gather in our chapels of faith seeking [comfort and assurance from God]. We light our candles…we sing our...