04050 – When Our Story is Told…

When our story is told a century from now--and it will be--how much of the American church ran after idols and delusions, false christs and conspiracies, history will not only fault the pastors for not confronting us with the truth, but the congregations who forbade...

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02183 – Confront Us with the Truth?

When our story is told a century from now--and it will be--how much of the American church ran after idols and delusions, false christs, and conspiracies? History will not only fault the pastors for not confronting us with the truth, but the congregations who forbade...

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02175 – Exaltation vs. Exploitation of Jesus

Recognize the difference between the exaltation of Jesus and the exploitation of Jesus. You can stick the name of Jesus on anything. On any church, on any speech, on any campaign, on any ministry, business, banner, t-shirt, or car bumper and shamelessly exalt the...

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01616 – You Coming?

I reject the version of Jesus who would have told the rich young ruler, “you are blessed” instead of, “give everything to the poor and follow me.” Who would have pushed women to the fringes of the narrative, instead of empowering Mary to be the first preacher of...

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00855 – Participate in Singing

Singing is a spiritual activity best experienced in community. The documented benefits are as significant as those in yoga, a healthy diet, and prayer. Our culture, however, has commodified singing and turned it into a perfected idol that is performed by the few and...

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00837 – Artistic Dilemma in Three Parts

All the above can be boiled down into a three-part artistic dilemma that has faced the church for centuries. First, if art is beautiful, it has to be used whether it is effective or not. This is the idol of quality. Second, if art is effective, it must be used,...

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00834 – God Deserves First Place

Music is a demanding art. To achieve excellence in it requires hard discipline and unremitting work. Yet with all his devotion to it a Christian musician must keep his priorities clear. God is the source of all talent. When God gives talent, including musical talent,...

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