03969 – Hope & Despair, Change & Will

Hope is not blind faith that things will get better. It's a realistic belief that things can get better. Despair is an illusion of certainty. Hope is an appreciation of possibility. Change requires a way. There is no way without will. There is no will without...

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02269 – Security in the Grace of God

I would rather live on the verge of falling and let my security be in the all-sufficiency of the grace of God than to live in some kind of pietistic illusion of moral excellence. My faith isn't in the idea that I'm more moral than anybody else. My faith is in the idea...

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01933 – The Gate of Heaven is Everywhere

At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point or spark which belongs entirely to God, which is never at our disposal, from which God disposes of our lives, which is inaccessible to the...

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01592 – Scapegoating

The word “scapegoating” originated from an ingenious ritual described in Leviticus 16. According to Jewish law, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest laid hands on an “escaping” goat, placing all the sins of the Jewish people from the previous year onto the animal....

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01257 – Much of Life is Pure Gift

If we were to accept large areas of life as pure gift, we would be forced to acknowledge that we are not in control. Were we to live as recipients rather than makers, we might feel dependent and diminished, like clients of some cosmic welfare system that demeans our...

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