03754 – Bearing the Image of God

Through Christ's incarnation, all of humanity regains the dignity of bearing the image of God. Whoever from now attacks the least of people attacks Christ, who took on human form and who in himself has restored the image of God for all who bear a human countenance....

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03239 – People are Sacred; Systems are Not

When you feel overwhelmed in exposing truth, remember this: people are sacred, created in the image of God. Systems are not. They are only worth the people in them and the people they serve. And people are to be treated, whether one or many, the way Jesus Christ...

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02395 – New Paradigm of Imagery for God

The God imaged by Jesus exerts no dominating supremacy. In Christ, we see an image of a God who is not armed with lightning bolts but with basin and towel, who spewed not threats but good news for all, who rode not a warhorse but a donkey, weeping in compassion for...

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02368 – God Just Wants Us Home.

The beauty of Christian spirituality is that the God we are in relationship with is for us in Christ. Like the father in the prodigal son story, God is waiting with his eyes looking for us in the distance. He is waiting to embrace us. This image might take some...

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02272 – Image of God: Santa?

Sadly, most people’s image of God is jolly Santa, making a list and checking it twice, finding out who’s naughty or nice. It’s certainly not this humble, helpless baby who has come to love us in ways that we’re not ready to be loved.

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02253 – All Persons Have Worth & Dignity

In Christ’s incarnation all of humanity regains the dignity of bearing the image of God. Whoever from now on attacks the least of the people attacks Christ, who took on human form and who in himself has restored the image of God for all who bear a human countenance....

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