Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can't begin to explore your possibilities.
01545 – Things Could be Worse
Should you ever find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, smallness, or insecurities, remember: Things could be worse. You could be them.
01344 – Risk Everything to Gain Everything
Sooner or later, if we follow Christ we have to risk everything in order to gain everything. We have to gamble on the invisible and risk all that we can see and taste and feel. But we know the risk is worth it, because there is nothing more insecure than the transient...
01003 – Could the Real Pageant be My Life?
Could the real pageant not be a play at all, but my lifeAs I take my gifts, my insecurities, my worriesTo the Christ Child, like the Magi took their gifts to the manger,And allow God to recreate within me a new life,A living pageant that does not end on Christmas Day,...
00645 – Cross: Victory Over Fear
Jesus was this kind of giver. He is the greatest sign to us that life need not be dreary, need not be saved, but can be, must be, entirely spent. It is fear that makes us hold on to life or to what represents life’s meaning for us. The cross marked the place in...