Individual will, reason, compassion, and character are not strong enough to consistently defeat selfishness, pride, greed, and self-deception. Everybody needs redemptive assistance from the outside--from family, friends, ancestors, rules, traditions, institutions,...
02520 – Negation of the Christianity of Christ
It would be no exaggeration to say that, viewed entirely in historical perspective, cultural and institutional "Christianity" has, for most of its history, consisted in the systematic negation of the Christianity of Christ, the apostles, and the earliest church. from...
01206 – Watching & Discussing–but No Action
An analogy: You are responsible for fifty teenagers. So you gather them together and put them in the parish hall and tell them to dance. You go for a cup of coffee. You return and witness this scene, a typical one: four or five girls dancing in the middle of the hall,...
00386 – Church vs. Fellowship
In the beginning, the church was a fellowship of men and women who centered their lives on the living Christ. They had a personal relationship with the Lord. It transformed them and the world around them. Then the church moved to Greece, where it became a philosophy....