Watch any plant or animal and let it teach you acceptance of what is, surrender to the Now. Let it teach you Being. Let it teach you integrity — which means to be one, to be yourself, to be real. Let it teach you how to live and how to die, and how not to make living...
03596 – Our Beautiful & Troubled World
As we move through this beautiful and troubled world, may we vow to be a beacon of peace, a fearless carrier of respect and lovingkindness for all life, a teller of truth, a voice for justice, a protector of those who are vulnerable or targeted. May the power of...
03138 – Derogation of Duty
High moral and ethical standards are essential, and they don't change from one job to another, or from one level of authority to another. Honesty, truthfulness, integrity, unselfishness--these are always there. And whenever a leader violates these basic principles,...
03083 – I Like Messy People
I like messy people; people who don't fit into a box or stay between the lines, but whose integrity is greater than any rule book and whose loyalty is stronger than blood.
02908 –
The hallmark of an open mind is not letting your ideas become your identity. If you define yourself by your opinions, questioning them is a threat to your integrity. If you see yourself as a curious person or a lifelong learner, changing your mind is a moment of...
02769 – By Any Means Necessary
The church isn't losing the next generation of Christians because of pluralism, secularism, or liberalism. The church is losing the next generation of Christians because of pursuing political power by any mean necessary rather than the power of Christ's love with...
02249 – Integrity: Practicing Your Values
Integrity is choosing courage over comfort. It's choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy. It's choosing to practice your values rather than simply professing them.
01934 – A Dignified Nobility in Humankind
There is a dignified nobility in humankindWe know it when we see itNurse tenderly caring for your loved one in the hospice house as she travels toward the great beyondPolitician choosing integrity, knowing full well he won't be elected againPastor remaining true to...
01890 – Simplicity Enables Us
Simplicity enables us to live lives of integrity in the face of the terrible realities of our global village. from Freedom of Simplicity
01543 – Integrity: The Supreme Quality for Leadership
The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.