Far too often, communities lack the resources or the commitment to invest adequately in their public schools. We need to understand that quality education for every single person in our society is essential to our future. from A Letter to My Anxious Christian Friends
02348 – Where Does God Want Me?
I tell our new members: You don’t join a preacher; you join the church. And you join the church for one reason—because you believe that God told you to plant your life there. If you join because of a style of preaching, that can change. If you join for the facilities...
02000 – A God Who Restores
We must be the ones that invest in abandoned places. In abandoned people. Because when the world says that there is no future there, we are the ones who know better. We believe in a God that restores.
01398 – The Proper Use of Money
The proper use of money is not for living high down here; that would be a very poor investment indeed. No, the proper use of money is for investing as much of it as possible in the lives of people, so that we will have treasure in heaven. Of course, we need to keep a...
01205 – A Sacrifice is a Personal Gift
A sacrifice is a gift of the essence or the product of our lives. It may be a gift of our time, a gift of our talent, or a gift of our treasure. Whatever shape it takes, it is a sacrifice given with no regard for a return on the investment.
00722 – Lifestyle Worship is Sacrificial
Lifestyle worship is sacrificial. A sacrifice is a gift of the essence or the product of our lives. It may be a gift of our time, a gift of our talent, or a gift of our treasure. Whatever shape it takes, it is a sacrifice given with no regard for a return on the...