01701 – I’m Still Here & Now I Get It

Look, the world loves us when we are good, better, best, but this is the time when you want to stop feeling guilty that you are not living your best life, now. We’re not always doing mountaintop yoga. I used to have my own delusion of living my own best life...

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01521 – “What May This Be?”

And in this he showed me a little thing, the quantity of a hazelnut, lying in the palm of my hand, as it seemed. And it was as round as any ball. I looked upon it with the eye of my understanding, and thought, ‘What may this be?’ And it was answered generally thus,...

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01398 – The Proper Use of Money

The proper use of money is not for living high down here; that would be a very poor investment indeed. No, the proper use of money is for investing as much of it as possible in the lives of people, so that we will have treasure in heaven. Of course, we need to keep a...

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