02020 – Live in Harmony!

From the Native Americans' marginalized position, they have a unique "bias from the bottom" that we would do well to pay attention to. We could learn from them, among other things, that land cannot be owned and Spirit cannot be divided. The Earth and all its...

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02017 – How Do We Find Spirituality?

Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be. We must learn to penetrate things and find...

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01926 – There are Degrees of Death

We all die eventually; we have no choice in the matter. But there are degrees of death before the final physical one. If we are honest, we acknowledge that we are dying throughout our life, and this is what we learn if we are attentive: grace is found at the depths...

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01921 – Love is the Destination

Love is the destination, the telos, the goal—but we learn that we never arrive. We drive in the direction of love, but our destination keeps receding beyond the horizon. Yet we dare not set our course for any other destination. from Introducing Christian Ethics

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01779 – Becoming the Church

God puts us in churches so that we will learn to love others; so that our rough edges will be worn off. When you feel like fleeing to another or different church, know you are moving close to spiritual growth. One purpose of church is to place us in covenant...

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01648 – When We Come To It

We, this people, on this small and drifting planet Whose hands can strike with such abandon That in a twinkling, life is sapped from the living Yet those same hands can touch with such healing, irresistible tenderness That the haughty neck is happy to bow And the...

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