The impossible is the least that one can demand.
02982 – Love Your Neighbor
"Love your neighbor as yourself" matters most when our common understanding is least.
02937 – Loving God
I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.
02911 – Faces of the Least of These
God is not a being separate from the human. If you do not and cannot see God in the face of the hungry, the thirsty, the homeless, the sick, and the imprisoned, then you cannot see God at all. God is not an external being; God is present in the faces of the least of...
02328 – What Do You Hope For?
The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.
02166 – What Hope is, is Not
Hope is never calibrated to the fervor of optimism or the distress of pessimism. Hope is fixed to a larger horizon and rooted in an expansive memory. Hope cannot be auctioned off to the highest bidder; cannot be put up for collateral; cannot be traded on the big board...
00143 – God in the Flesh
Do not grieve or complain that you were born in a time when you can no longer see God in the flesh. He did not in fact take this privilege from you. As he says, “Whatever you have done to the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done to me.” —————Gender-neutral...