03453 – Stones Upon Stones

Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them.They move on. They move away.The moments that used to define them are covered bymoments of their own accomplishments.It is not until much later, thatchildren understand;their stories and all their...

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02827 – Knowing God

God approaches our minds by receding from them. We can never fully know Him if we think of Him as an object of capture, to be fenced in by our own ideas. We know Him better after our minds have let Him go. The Lord travels in all directions at once. The Lord arrives...

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01451 – God’s Loving Claim Upon Us

We are confronted by God's loving claim upon us--the most intense intimacy a human being can experience. To know this intimacy we have only to let go. Instead of relying on our own initiative, where we are in control, we discover that we are participating in what God...

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01377 – Waiting Among the Cornstalks

One evening soon after, Sandy and I fell into a conversation about...the crow in the tree. Sandy said, "You know what came to mind when I saw that crow perched over us? I thought of the Native American proberb about the eagle and the crow in each of us. The eagle...

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