04239 – Inner Youth Remains

The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young. Inside this aging body is a heart still as curious, still as hungry, still as full of longing as it was in youth. I sit at the window and watch the world pass by, feeling like a stranger in a...

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04162 – How Can You Tell?

How can you tell the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit & the condemnation of the evil one (or our own thoughts) Here’s one way: Conviction leads to a greater longing to love better. Condemnation has us focus on how unlovable we are.

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04130 – What Makes Absence Hurt?

There is no sense of absence where there has been no sense of presence. What makes absence hurt, what makes it ache, is the memory of what used to be there but is no longer. Absence is the arm flung across the bed in the middle of the night, the empty space where a...

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03534 – False Self vs. True Self

Our false selves counsel us to hide our true selves behind our performance, our caring for others, our intellectualism, our social savvy, our finances, our articulate presentations, our religiosity, or our skepticism. But our true selves long to see and be seen, to...

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03508 – Church & New Horizons

A church which pitches its tents without constantly looking out for new horizons, which does not continually strike camp, is being untrue to its calling....(We must) play down our longing for certainty, accept what is risky, live by improvisation and experiment." from...

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02265 – Creating Pockets of Peace

Remember, Advent is all about anticipation. It is about recognizing our need for a Savior, longing for that Savior, and joyfully welcoming that Savior. It can be tough to recreate this anticipatory tension when the busyness of the holidays pushes us into go-mode and...

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